Related Projects and Initiatives

Mastering the challenges of data-intensive radio astronomy

Verein für datenintensive Radioastronomie e.V


With the advent of the new generation radioastronomical facilities as LOFAR, MeerKAT and the Square Kilometre Array, enormous challenges arise with respect to handle, store and process the scientific data. To handle the enormous and complex data of the upcoming infrastructures new technologies have to be developed. 


To coordinate these efforts in Germany the Verein für datenintensive Radioastronomie e.V. has been founded in 2019. 


Big Bang to Big Data (B3D)


Big Bang to Big Data is a project by several universities and research centers within the state of North Rhine-Westphalia to foster synergies between astronomy and data science. The research cluster aims at improving the understanding and processing of data-intense astronomical data streams, at preparing science methodically and technically, and a establishing a Big Data Campus within the next five years.