24-26 October, 2018, in Jena | Participants
== Final program, last update 2018-10-23 ==
Wednesday (LofarWG Meeting, ALMA town hall meeting and GLOW Annual Assembly)
14:00 - 16:00 Meeting of the GLOW LOFAR Working Group (led by Dominik Schwarz)
Venue: Hörsaalzentrum SR 309, you may enter the building from Ernst-Abbe-Platz
This is the meeting of GLOW LOFAR Working Group. It addresses topics related to the German LOFAR stations, the GLOW network,
GLOW mode operations, recent ILT Board decision etc. The meeting is open for everybody.
14:00 Welcome -- Dominik Schwarz [slides]
14:05 Status reports German LOFAR owners -- station owners, max 4min per station
14:30 GLOW mode operations -- (TBD)
14:40 Report Technical Working Group -- Jörn Künsemöller
15:00 LOFAR LTA at FZJ, Status of the LOFAR Long Term Archive in Jülich Supercomputing Centre -- Cristina Manzano [slides]
15:15 Report ILT Board -- Dominik Schwarz [slides included above 'welcome']
15:30 LOFAR reserved access allocations -- Matthias Hoeft / Dominik Schwarz
15:45 LOFAR 2.0 plans & prospects -- Dominik Schwarz [slides included above 'welcome']
16:00 End
16:00 Coffee break
Venue: Hörsaalzentrum SR 308, you may enter the building from Ernst-Abbe-Platz
16:30 - 18:00 ALMA town hall meeting (led by Stefanie Mühle, German ARC node manager)
Venue: Hörsaalzentrum SR 308, you may enter the building from Ernst-Abbe-Platz
Come and interact face-to-face with representatives of your ALMA support center.
Bring your questions, learn more about ALMA, get the latest news, ...
16:30 - 18:30 GLOW Council Meeting (led by Matthias Hoeft)
Venue: Hörsaalzentrum SR 309, you may enter the building from Ernst-Abbe-Platz
This is the meeting of the GLOW council (GLOW Rat), i.e. the meeting of the representatives of GLOW member institutes.
Any formal GLOW decision has to be taken by this body. The meeting is open for everybody.
16:30 Welcome -- Marcus Brüggen
16:35 Report from GLOW members -- max 3min per member
17:00 Report science working group -- Benedetta Ciardi
17:15 Report GLOW SKA Working Group -- Karl Mannheim [slides]
17:25 Report and Discussion VdR -- Karl Mannheim [slides: see presentation above]
17:40 Report Executive Committee + GLOW web -- Matthias Hoeft
18:00 Elections (Chair, vice chair, secretary), nomination of working group chairs
18:30 End
Thursday (Radio2018 Symposium: Recent progress in radio astronomy)
Venue: Rosensäle, Fürstengraben 27
9:00 Welcome -- Matthias Hoeft (TLS, Tautenburg)
9:05 Observing at ulta-low Frequencies: LOFAR LBA -- Francesco de Gasperin (Hamburg University) [slides]
9:30 Progress in mm-VLBI: the ALMA era -- Eduardo Ros (MPIfR, Bonn) [slides]
9:55 Cosmic rays and Radio Arrays -- Anna Nelles (Humboldt-University) [slides]
10:20 Dusty high-z galaxies with SPT, APEX and ALMA -- Axel Weiß (MPIfR, Bonn) [slides]
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 Low frequency radio telescopes: ILT, LOFAR & SKA routes to 2020’s Astronomy -- Carole Jackson (ASTRON, Dwingeloo) [slides]
11:40 Pulsar Observational Activities of LOFAR Baldy PL612 Station -- Leszek Blaszkiewicz (UWM, Olsztyn) [slides]
12:00 Classifying Radio Galaxy with Deep Learning -- Vesna Lukic (Hamburg University) [slides]
12:20 ALMA Comprehensive High-resolution Extragalactic Molecular Inventory: ALCHEMI -- Rebeca Aladro (MPIfR, Bonn) [slides]
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Galaxy Cluster Cosmology with the South Pole Telescope -- Sebastian Bocquet (LMU, Munich) [slides]
14:25 The LOFAR Surveys with HBA and Long Baselines -- Alexander Drabent (TLS, Tautenburg) [slides]
14:45 On the Polarization of the Observed Emission from Radio Relics -- Denis Wittor (Università di Bologna) [slides]
15:05 High-accuracy, linear and circular radio polarimetry as a probe of physical conditions in AGN jets -- Ioannis Myserlis (MPIfR, Bonn) [slides] [poster on pipeline] [poster on toy model]
15:25 The Status of the LOFAR EoR Key Science Project -- Saleem Zaroubi (University of Groningen) [slides]
15:50 Coffee break
16:30 From LOFAR to LOFAR2.0: advancing cutting-edge science in the next decade -- Rene Vermeulen (ASTRON, Dwingeloo) [slides]
16:55 A New View of Star formation and Cold Gas in Nearby Galaxies -- Frank Bigiel (University of Bonn) [slides]
17:20 Pulsar Studies in GLOW-mode -- Caterina Tiburzi (Bielefeld University) [slides]
17:45 LOFAR and the Ionosphere -- Adam Froń (UWM, Olsztyn) [slides]
18:05 Offline-VLBI with LOFAR -- Olaf Wucknitz (MPIfR, Bonn) [slides]
18:25 End
19:30 Conference dinner
Friday (Radio2018 Symposium: Recent progress in radio astronomy)
Venue: Rosensäle, Fürstengraben 27
9:00 CCAT-prime -- Frank Bertoldi (University of Bonn) [slides]
9:25 LOFAR observations of nearby galaxies -- Volker Heesen (Hamburg University) [slides]
9:50 Data management -- Sirko Schindler (DLR-IDW, Jena) [slides]
10:15 MeerKAT results -- Kshitij Thorat (Rhodes University) [slides]
10:40 Coffee break
11:15 Radio Interferometry: Unifying Calibration and Imaging -- Philipp Arras & Torsten Enßlin (MPA, Garching) [slides]
11:35 Patterns in the Astroparticle Sky -- Dominik Elsässer (TU Dortmund) [slides]
12:00 Prospects of CMB foreground studies with the MPIfR-MT SKA-prototype dish -- Aritra Basu (Bielefeld University) [slides]
12:20 Michael Stifel Center Jena -- Bernd Brügmann (FSU Jena, TBC)
12:35 Verein für Datenintensive (Radio-)Astronomie' -- Karl Mannheim (Würzburg University) and Hans-Rainer Klöckner (MPIfR Bonn) [slides]
13:00 Concluding remarks -- Marcus Brüggen
13:15 Lunch
14:00 End of meeting
14:00 - 16:00 Tour to Tautenburg observatory
We encourage participants to bring posters and use poster stands available in the meeting room.
If you plan to attend the meeting please sent an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
with the following information:
Name and affiliation
I will attend:
- the LOFAR working group meeting yes/no
- the ALMA town hall meeting yes/no
- the GLOW Annual Assembly yes/no
- the Radio2018 on Thursday yes/no
- the symposium dinner yes/no
- the Radio2018 on Friday yes/no
- the Tautenburg tour yes/no
I would like to give a presentation no / title, very brief abstract
I will bring a poster yes/no
Conference fee
The will be a conference fee to cover the catering during coffee and lunch breaks. Please pay the in cash at registration.
The LOFAR working Group meeting, the ALMA town hall meeting and the GLOW Annual Assembly will take in the seminar rooms 308 and 309 in FSU building at Carl-Zeis-Straße 3 (you may enter from Ernst-Abbe-Platz).
The Radio2018 Symposium will take place in the "Rosensäle / Kleiner Sitzungssal" located at Fürstengraben 27.
You may choose one of the hotels in Jena, for instance
Scientific organising committee
Marcus Brüggen (co-chair), Benedetta Ciardi, Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar, Matthias Hoeft (co-chair), Hans-Rainer Klöckner, Karl Mannheim, Joe Mohr, Stefanie Mühle and Dominik Schwarz
Local organisation
Matthias Hoeft and Alexander Drabent
Financial support
This event has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730562 [RadioNet]